{# # Homepage template # --------------- #} {% extends "layouts/_layout" %} {% block block_seo %} {{ entry.metaTitle }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% include 'partials/_header.html' %}

New Dive into the undiscovered parts of Tokyo.

{{ entry.tagline }}

{{ entry.shortDescription }}
{% if entry.briefs | length %}

Latest Jobs

{% for brief in entry.briefs %} {% if brief.briefCoverImage | length %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {{ brief.company }} {% if brief.promotionActive %} {% if brief.promotionStartAt and brief.promotionEndAt %} {% if "now"|date('Y-m-d') > brief.promotionStartAt|date('Y-m-d') and "now"|date('Y-m-d') < brief.promotionEndAt|date('Y-m-d') %} {% if brief.announcerLogo | length %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if brief.announcerLogo | length %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ brief.location }}

{{ brief.title }}

Apply on this job
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if entry.cities | length %}

Featured Cityguides

{% for city in entry.cities %} {% if city.cityCoverImage | length %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% if city.promotionActive %} {% if city.promotionStartAt and city.promotionEndAt %} {% if "now"|date('Y-m-d') > city.promotionStartAt|date('Y-m-d') and "now"|date('Y-m-d') < city.promotionEndAt|date('Y-m-d') %} {% if city.announcerLogo | length %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if city.announcerLogo | length %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ city.continent }}

{{ city.title }}

Visit guide
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if entry.featuredCity | length %} {% if entry.featuredCity[0].cityCoverImage | length %}