Affordable Yoga, anytime, anywhere.

Make the world your yoga studio.

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The future of Yoga is now.

So many people are qualified to give amazing yoga classes. Why pay $20 for a one-hour class when someone could teach you for far less? This is exactly what hopla is proposing. You can get paid to teach yoga to numerous people, or you can attend yoga classes for as little as $8.

Available Soon !



Hopla can fit into the fullest of schedules. At dawn before your day begins, or in the evening after supper, the choice is yours. With hopla, you can take yoga classes in the morning, over lunch, in the evening… in short, at any time of day.



At home, at work or in transit, we all need to escape sometimes. Not to worry, you can take yoga classes wherever you want. Why limit yourself to the 2-3 studios in your neighbourhood? Register for a class nearby with hopla.



Here at hopla, we believe that everyone should be able to do yoga. We have no idea why anybody would pay $20 for a class when they could pay only $8 and have more peace of mind. Hopla makes yoga fit into all budgets. No more throwing away your money!


No commitment

Hopla allows you to reap the benefits of yoga without any time- or space-related constraints, and even without commitment. You can attend classes at your leisure, when and where you want. You remain free at all times to continue or to stop.

Stay up to date

hopla is dedicated to offering the best of yoga at the best of prices. You can receive information about our classes, our events and the benefits of yoga. Sign us now!

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